“If you really want to improve your situation, you can work on the one thing over which you have control: yourself.”

Stephen Covey

.Are you now at a point in your life where you expected to be? Are you on your way to achieve where you wanted to be? Or is life happening to you? If you want to be in the lead of your life, then you need to understand the art of Personal Leadership.

Personal leadership refers to the ability of an individual to lead themselves effectively. It involves taking charge of one’s own life, making responsible decisions, setting, and achieving goals, and continually striving for self-improvement.

Personal leadership is essential for personal and professional success. By taking ownership of your live, setting goals, making decisions, and staying motivated, you can achieve your full potential and lead a fulfilling life. Investing in personal leadership is valuable for anyone who wants to grow and succeed, regardless of their position or field.

Is this you?

Here are some groups of people who can benefit particularly from investing in personal leadership. Are you a, 

Managers and Leaders: Those in leadership roles benefit greatly from enhancing their personal leadership skills. This includes skills such as communication, decision-making, conflict resolution, and strategic thinking.

Entrepreneurs: Running a business requires strong leadership skills to guide teams, make critical decisions, and navigate challenges effectively.

Professionals: Individuals in any profession can benefit from personal leadership skills to advance their careers, whether they’re in sales, marketing, finance, engineering, healthcare, or any other field.

Community Leaders: Those involved in community organizations, non-profits, or volunteer work can enhance their ability to inspire and mobilize others by investing in personal leadership development.

Investing in personal leadership is a lifelong journey that can yield significant personal and professional growth. It involves continuous learning, self-reflection, and practice to become a more effective and influential leader in all aspects of life.


The duration of the workshop program depends on the number of topics you want to address. The minimum time-span is two days and can be extended to four, to go deeper into the topics. You will find below the standard topics we address but it is also possible to add themes of your own to customise the training.


Becoming self-aware

Self-awareness is having a clear perception of your personality, including strengths, weaknesses, thoughts, beliefs, motivation, and emotions. Self-awareness allows you to understand other people, how they perceive you, your attitude, and your responses to them in the moment.

  • You understand yourself better
  • You have a better understanding of what affects your beliefs
  • You know your strengths
  • You improve your critical thinking skills
  • You improve your decision-making
  • You have better self-regulation
  • You will be a better leader

Being empowered

When you are empowered, you have the knowledge, confidence, means, and the ability to do things or make decisions for yourself. You live your life to the fullest using your talents and gifts, doing what you love to do most, and you are able to express that without shame or fear.

  • You know how to be pro-active
  • You know how to take responsibility and ownership

Finding direction

If you find your direction in life and/or in your profession, it gives you focus, and it makes decision making easier. Knowing what you want to achieve gives motivation and joy. It also helps you to maintain where you are if you have arrived where you want to be.

  • You understand the advantage of having a direction to work towards to
  • You understand the different areas of life and how to manage them all
  • You understand how to focus
  • You make decisions in an effective way

Calling for action

Taking responsibility and knowing where to go is one thing but you have to do it. Planning and organizing is key to execute your goals.

  • You can make a plan and turn that into actions
  • You are able to focus on the things you want to achieve
  • You know the difference between planning and organizing

Creating cooperation

To get to where you want to be and achieving your planed results you will need help. You can’t do it all by yourself. You need people around you with other talents, skills, and experience than you have. One of the key successes for working with others is trust and this is one of the topics you learn about.

  • You understand how to create and maintain trust
  • You know how to create win–win situations
  • You are able to manage expectations
  • You know what it takes to create a successful team


Self-care is the principle – and the process – that empowers you to move on an upward spiral of growth and change, of continuous improvement.

  • Physical – exercise, nutrition, and stress management
  • Spiritual – values, commitment, study, and meditation
  • Mental – reading, visualizing, planning, and writing
  • Social/emotional – service, empathy, synergy, and intrinsic security.


These components—clarifying goals, guidance on application, accountability check-ins, feedback sessions, reflection exercises, sharing practical insights, and continuous engagement—are vital for effective skill implementation. Managed by experienced mentors, coaching and mentorship, both offline and online, enhance their efficacy further. We can at this support to our offer if your organization has no recourses or the expertise available.


  • You understand how to be in the lead of your life, personal and professional.
  • You understand why personal leadership is fundamental for you as a manager and leader.
  • You know how and why it is of importance to stay fit to perform at top level.
  • You understand what influences your decision making.
  • You understand your strong and weak points and how to improve them.
  • You know what is needed to put together a great team.
  • You understand what it takes to be responsible, pro-active and confident.


Our philosophy on professional and personal development revolves around a holistic approach that encompasses both skill enhancement and personal growth. We believe that continual learning and growth are essential not only for professional success but also for leading fulfilling lives. 

The trainings are mainly based on experiential learning. This is the process of learning by doing. By engaging participants in hands-on experiences and reflection, they are better able to connect theories and knowledge learned in the workshop to real-world situations.

What participants gain from experiential learning is:

  • A better understanding of the course material
  • A broader view of the world and an appreciation of the community around them
  • Insight into their own skills, interests, passions, and values
  • Positive professional practices and skill sets
  • Self-confidence and leadership skills

practical information

Peter Henssen: 

With over 35 years of diverse experience spanning managing, consulting, teaching, training, and coaching, I bring a unique blend of theory and practical knowledge to every endeavor. Beginning my career in the military, I cultivated invaluable leadership skills that have been honed through subsequent roles in various industries. Transitioning to independent work, I discovered the power of self-leadership and its profound impact on personal and professional growth.

My approach centers on creating an engaging learning environment where individuals can thrive and apply newfound knowledge immediately. With a commitment to lifelong learning and continuous improvement, I leverage my wealth of experience to inspire and uplift those I work with, fostering a culture of growth and achievement.

The location for the workshops is depending on what is logistically favorable in terms of time, energy and investing. As an alternative we have a location at our Phazama Farm in Tsutsubega where the workshops also can take place.

The training is intensive and interactive, to give everyone the attention they deserve the minimum is six participants and a maximum of twelve participants. 

Most workshops are custom made and the investment is depending on the duration of the workshop program, the kind of topics and if the follow-up day is included. After we agree on what the content of the workshop program will be, and when the expectations are clear we make a proposal which includes the investment. The minimum number of days is two and we start always with Awareness, which is key to Self Leadership. 

As an indication the investment for a two-day workshop is BWP 30.900 (0% VAT) per group (max 12 participants).

Workbooks are BWP 175, –  per participant.

The investment for a follow-up day is BWP 13.080 (0% VAT) per group.

This excludes food, beverages, translator if needed, venue travel and accommodation expenses (if applicable).

More information?

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